— Brand strategy
— Brand identity
— Website
— Animation
Snekkerfabrikken is a small, family run carpenter studio situated on the small island of Indre Kvarøy. Established by Oswald Olsen in 1954, it is now run by the second and third generation of the family. Starting out as a full-service carpenter, producing everything from furniture to windows and doors, Snekkerfabrikken has over the years focused their skills on building bespoke staircases for new and old buildings, with a deep passion for sustainable craftmanship and innovation.
We were tasked with reimagining their brand to better communicate their skills and their hands-on approach to producing beautiful staircases of all styles, as well as their sustainable approach to their craft. Our goal was also to turn their website into a practical tool for customers, making the process of ordering a staircase smoother and less intimidating.
We built the identity around a bespoke logotype and a color palette inspired by Indre Kvarøys nature paired with a clear, timeless sans-serif typeface and a set of geometric, simplified icons.
The new web site doubles as a presentation of Snekkerfabrikkens products and skills as well as a starting point for planning, designing, and ordering your bespoke staircase. When requesting a quote for your staircase, you are taken through a step-by-step ordering form that covers all details of your order. This makes it easy for the customer to control all aspects of their order, and it also helps Snekkerfabrikken in giving a correct quote from the get-go. The website also features a dictionary covering words and phrases related to designing and building staircases.
Janita Zenteno